NIYEC & Aurora Education Foundation Collaboration

NIYEC is proud to partner with Aurora Education Foundation to produce a series of educational resources to support all students in listening and learning from the voices of First Nations people in Australia, to challenge dominant narratives and to engage in an honest examination of our nation’s history.

Frontier Wars Education Resource

The first resource in the series explores the Frontier Wars and how the failure to recognise these wars impacts our lives today.


In My Blood It Runs Education Resources

The incredible In My Blood It Runs team worked education partners, including NIYEC, to develop three classroom resources. The In My Blood It Runs team developed these Education resources with an Advisory Board who read, discussed and redrafted these guides over many months. To learn more about the film and access the resources head to


Slavery in Australia

Similar to the Frontier Wars educational resource, the stories shared in this document speak to the struggles and resistance of those who were impacted both directly and indirectly by slavery in Australia.

Slavery in Australia .png

NIYEC Panel on Stopping Blak Deaths in Custody

The Blak Lives Matter protests in response to the murder of George Floyd have resonated with us around the world. The protests have also emphasised the existing calls to Stop Black Deaths in custody in our own communities. The recommendations from the 1991 Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody identified, that to fight injustice and save lives we need to change how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history is taught. This yarn brought together young mob, storytellers and artists to take a closer look at the importance of learning our true history, whether it be in the classroom or the monuments that occupy public spaces The National Indigenous Youth Education Coalition have launched the Learn Our Truth campaign, in partnership with In My Blood It Runs and BE., to centre the experiences of young mob in learning history, and to call on all Australians to #LearnOurTruth to build a fairer future.

Co-Moderators: Hayley McQuire and Renee Songoro

Speakers: Latoya Rule, Boe Spearim, Aretha Brown, Patrick Mercer and Kamsani Bin Salleh